Juan Rodriguez owns and runs a small cigar factory in the Dominican Republic.
He learned the art of cigar making from the best while working for years in the Tabadom factory (where Davidoff cigars are made). He is extremely meticulous in all aspects of cigar production, from the selection of his vintage tobaccos, to overseeing the careful bunching and rolling of his small-batch cigars. The Top Shelf Signature Select White cigar consists of the best vintage Dominican and Nicaraguan filler tobaccos and a golden Connecticut seed wrapper grown in Ecuador. This cigar maintains a perfect balance between full flavor and smoothness. It is medium in body, with hints of oak and citrus and pepper. Juan Rodriguez patiently worked with brand-owner Jim Cronin for many months to finalize the blend. The cigars are produced in small batches by one pair: one buncher and one roller. This ensures consistency of construction from cigar to cigar. The cigars are well packed, with a slightly firm draw and a cool, slow burn. We at Top Shelf® Cigar Co. are very proud of this latest creation and we have Juan Rodriguez and his factory to thank!
These cigars are presented in a classic Toro size:
6 inches by 50 ring gauge.
They are packaged 25 cigars to a white painted cedar box.
For pricing and any other information about these cigars please call us
At 800-304-7183 or email us at info@topshelfcigar.com.
“Top Shelf® Signature Select”
cigar by Don Arcenio Ramos.
“Top Shelf® Signature Select Pure Corojo”
cigar by Don Arcenio Ramos.